A year later, endless questions have been answered with Pulsed Energy


By Steve Drumwright
Temecula, CA-
Parkinson’s disease, depression, paralysis, renal failure, Lyme disease, brain injuries, fibromyalgia, liver disease, blindness, anxiety.There is no common thread as to what causes those diverse set of health issues, but there is one thing a Southern California chiropractor has used to help with those ailments.

Dr. Ken Toy, whose practice in Temecula, Calif., is primarily for families but also includes an assortment of professional athletes, has been using the PER 2000 from Pulsed Energy Technologies (PEMF) for a little more than a year. He currently has three machines — two large and one portable — in a single room and often has two of the PER 2000s being used on clients simultaneously. (The noise from all three was a bit much, Toy said.)

He came into contact with the PER 2000 during a Pro Sport Chiropractic seminar in Las Vegas in 2015. While roaming the aisles, he heard the distinct noise of the PER 2000 machines.

“I heard their ticking going on and I had never heard ticking in our vendor area,” Dr. Toy said. “I saw several machines set up, posters of pro players and teams. Josh (Silver, Pulsed Energy’s founder) and Jerry (Teich, a sales rep) were there. I must have asked 20 to 30 questions about it since I was definitely interested in it because I had never heard of it before. Everything that I heard was just fascinating and I thought it was something I definitely could see being an adjunct to my office.”

While Dr. Toy’s interest was significant, he wasn’t sure he wanted to take the leap of faith and invest in the technology. So Silver loaned Dr. Toy a machine for a couple weeks to use at his office.

“It was the first day that (Josh) showed up and trained us,” Dr. Toy said. “Patients were lined up and were like, ‘Oh, my gosh, you’ve got to get one of these. This thing is amazing.’ So even in their first session, they could feel that this was something different than what they’ve had before. … So right away, that got rid a lot of the skepticism.”

That was just the beginning of the surprises for Dr. Toy and his clients while using the PER 2000 and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy.

“What has really surprised me is what I would call all the non-musculoskeletal conditions that we are treating,” he said.

“But the more that we learned and the more that we actually utilized it, we are now working on more non-skeletal conditions.”

“What has really surprised me is what I would call all the non-musculoskeletal conditions that we are treating,” he said. “When I first got (the PER 2000), I kind of pictured using it on the people that had the difficult conditions — the rotator cuff, the plantar fasciitis — I kind of already had in my mind a target audience. But the more that we learned and the more that we actually utilized it, we are now working on more non-skeletal conditions.”

Clients with those various conditions are often just looking for a ‘Hail Mary’ to help them in any way possible, even if it is just temporarily.

“Most people that we bring this technology up to are people who have been struggling with something with very little success to date,” Dr. Toy said. “So when you get that kind of patient in, it’s like, ‘What have you got to lose?’ You’ve gone the medical route, you’ve tried the medication, you’ve tried the shots, you’ve tried other forms of conservative care, whether it’s acupuncture, whether it’s other chiropractic, and it’s still there.

“A lot of times, we explain that when your condition hasn’t gotten better, it all gets down to the cellular level, where those cells remain inactive and weak in the area. We tell them the science behind what the PER does and the first session is completely complimentary. We’re like, ‘It can’t hurt you, everything we just told you you can find on the internet. None of what I told you is a company testimonial. It’s all 100 percent backed by science.’ … They’re like, ‘Hey, I’ve got nothing to lose.’ So they’re on board. No one has ever said, ‘Ahhh, no, I’m going to pass.’ They’ve all said ‘Let’s give it a try.’”

There are a handful of cases that stick out to Dr. Toy: two paraplegics, a family with Lyme disease, an elderly woman with Bell’s palsy and a woman with a liver disease.

While the two paraplegics both sustained similar injuries as a result of accidents in professional motocross competitions, their treatments were for very different conditions.
► A man in his early 20s who broke his spine at T-4 was paralyzed from his nipple line down. This essentially left him without his upper abdominal and diaphragm strength, preventing a Valsalva maneuver. He came in for sessions one to three times a week and soon saw results. The paralysis line moved down 3 inches, according to Dr. Toy.

“After about the first two weeks, with the paralysis line moving down to the upper abs, he was actually able to contract his upper abdominal (muscles) and that gave him better stability while sitting in his wheelchair,” Dr. Toy said. “For the first time since he had injured himself, he had the ability to perform a Valsalva maneuver, which is to bear down … which made his morning bowel movement session so much faster.”

Due to the improved upper-body strength — which has come about with traditional physical therapy — the client also can get in and out of his truck easier. His ability to stand has also improved, with assistance and bracing, further improving his quality of life even if he never walks again.

“And so even after his first session, he said he woke up the next morning, he said his hands didn’t hurt, his stomach didn’t hurt and there was already a difference in his sciatica.”
 ► The second paraplegic was a strange case. This motocross rider was in his late 30s and broke his spine at T-4. Despite his paralysis, this client somehow felt “excruciating electrical pain” in his extremities.

“I said, ‘If you’re paralyzed, how are you feeling pain in your lower legs?’” Dr. Toy said. “He said, ‘Exactly.’ He goes, ‘I just feel like I got the short end of the stick on everything. The doctors can’t really explain it. I wake up and my hands hurt, my stomach hurts, I’ve got sciatica.’

“So when he came in, we just tried to pulse those areas to see if we could help take away any of his nerve pain, increase any circulation. And so even after his first session, he said he woke up the next morning, he said his hands didn’t hurt, his stomach didn’t hurt and there was already a difference in his sciatica.”

► For the family with Lyme disease, the usual treatment of antibiotics wasn’t achieving the success they wanted. The parents had contracted the disease, which was passed on to the two daughters.

“What we did in that case is work on what we call the energy spots,” Dr. Toy said. “The heart, the brain, the adrenal gland, the liver, the feet. I just kind of describe that as a full-body juicing. … We’re just trying to send energy to all areas of the body and in doing so, for them, it has been the best thing that has actually gotten rid of their episodes of Lyme disease and actually kept it away.”

All four stop in for a monthly session, but they have not had any further of the lengthy episodes typically associated with Lyme disease.

► One day, an elderly woman dressed to the nines walked into Dr. Toy’s office. It was obvious she had Bell’s palsy as her face drooped and one eye was shut. It was a case Dr. Toy was excited to see as he had heard from Silver, Pulsed Energy’s founder, that Bell’s palsy could reverse the symptoms and restore function to the facial muscles. He was also excited to help this client, whom he and his staffers affectionately call “Glam-ma” due to her dazzling wardrobe.

“I told her results are often seen in as little as five sessions and that we can actually fix it,” Dr. Toy said. “She said, ‘I knew you were the place I needed to come.’ During her first session, as she is holding it over her face, her eye is trying to open up. That was on a Thursday. When I saw her two days later on a Saturday, her eye was already 50 percent open and her face was 50 percent lifted — and sure enough, after her fifth session, she was completely done, completely healed.”

► The final standout case could be one for the medical books. It is a woman in her mid-50s who has nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a fatty-liver disease. Dr. Toy said the goal with treating NASH is to keep it under control and stop the inflammation. If the inflammation gets out of control, it could lead to death.

There are two enzyme levels that are great indicators of the disease: aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT). Generally, Dr. Toy said, these levels shouldn’t be over 90. When this woman came to see Dr. Toy, her levels were at 99 and 100. So she began PER 2000 sessions twice a week for six weeks.

She went back to her liver doctor, who ran the AST and ALT tests again. He was stunned by what he saw: Her levels were at 38 and 44.

“Her liver doctor looked at the lab results and looked at her and said, ‘What did you do? We don’t see this,’” Dr. Toy said. “To my understanding, once you get NASH, it’s progressive and I guess best-case scenario is you are trying to slow down the inflammation and so you are trying to slow down the rising of those enzyme numbers. Based on what I know, to not only stop it, but to cut it in half is probably unheard of in their field. So he got brochures from my patient and asked if he could call her chiropractor.”

“With the beginning of all these baby boomers retiring, there is going to be a huge shortage of health care professionals to take care of (clients),” Dr. Toy said. “And with all of the changes to insurance — more and more, it’s going to a cash practice because deductibles are so high — you need to plan ahead and think outside of the box as to how you are going to afford to continue to care for these patients.”
With all of these success stories, you would think PEMF therapy and Pulsed Energy’s PER 2000 would be the latest craze sweeping through the medical field. But it isn’t — yet.

“I think it’s because they’re starting to get the successes and the word of mouth is beginning to spread,” Dr. Toy said. “I asked Josh the same thing, ‘Why doesn’t every team have this?’ And he said, ‘Exactly.’ He says it’s really the unknown. No one is taught this technology in school. So if you don’t get this (knowledge) in school — then you might read about it in a journal or you might get introduced to it at a seminar — but if you don’t get it in school, I would say what we do in practice, most of it we learned in school, so most people are going to be slow and hesitant to add something new and radical to their practice.”

New and radical may need to come from the next generation of chiropractors and other similar practitioners who will be looking to help elevate their profession to the next level.

“With the beginning of all these baby boomers retiring, there is going to be a huge shortage of health care professionals to take care of (clients),” Dr. Toy said. “And with all of the changes to insurance — more and more, it’s going to a cash practice because deductibles are so high — you need to plan ahead and think outside of the box as to how you are going to afford to continue to care for these patients.”

And this state-of-the-art technology could be just the thing to satisfy everyone’s wants and needs.


Former NFL Player Finds Fountain of Youth: Q&A with Brian Baldinger


When Brian Baldinger visits the NFL Films offices in New Jersey for his work as an NFL analyst, he is faced with a choice. Since he needs to get to the third floor, he can take the elevator or the stairs.

That choice is a simple one.


I don’t even look at the elevator anymore,” said Baldinger, who had a wide array of injuries from his 11 seasons as an NFL offensive lineman. “Some days, I run to the top of the third floor only because I can.”

That is a bit unusual for a guy who just turned 58 and has undergone reconstructive knee surgery, had a torn meniscus, broke two metatarsal bones and had an abdominal muscle detach from his pubic bone.

So why is he feeling in such great health?

When Baldinger underwent emergency surgery at the beginning of August 2015 for a staph infection in his right knee — the same knee he tore up in a 1985 exhibition game with the Chicago Bears — he was “glued to the couch” as he recovered. It came at an inopportune time as he was supposed to be visiting NFL training camps for NFL Network.

To get back into action, Baldinger took the advice of his sister, Jeanne Peters, a health and nutrition expert. Peters had come across the PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy) from Pulsed Energy TechnologiesPEMF uses Pulsed therapy to attack injured areas and help speed recovery.

Baldinger contacted Pulsed Energy founder Josh Silver, who sent a machine to Baldinger to aid the rehabilitation.

I did it pretty religiously every day, twice a day, sometimes three times, administer myself the pulsed energy in different places,” said Baldinger, who also provides analysis on NFL and college football broadcasts. “Josh would check in with me to see how I was doing, make adjustments along the way, try it on different parts of my body, etc.”

But I got pretty used to doing it every day, to the point where I ended up going back to work the first couple days of September. I still used it all the way through September. By about the end of October, I started getting better and by November, I felt I like I was on my way and by January, I felt I was pretty much healed.

“I did it pretty religiously every day, twice a day, sometimes three times, administer myself the pulsed energy in different places.”

“By about the end of October, I started getting better and by November, I felt I like I was on my way and by January, I felt I was pretty much healed.”

To the point where he sprints up the stairs at work.

Six weeks after using machine pretty religiously was where I felt like there was an improvement and felt like I was going to overcome (the pain),” Baldinger said. “To the point now where it is such a distant memory. I can’t remember when I felt this good. I never felt this good in my 40s. There’s nothing I can’t do right now.”

The health I have right now I never thought was possible — ever. I would say the quality of my life is directly in proportion to my health, what I can do, and there’s nothing I can’t do.”

The pain of going through the surgery was unbearable for Baldinger.

If I was on the couch and someone came to my door, I would do everything I could not to get up and go to the door — waive ‘em in, tell them to come around to the side door, whatever I could do not to get up off the couch,” Baldinger said. “I could be starving and I knew there was food in the refrigerator and I was like, ‘I would rather starve than get up and walk 10 steps to the refrigerator.’ Those types of decisions for the better part two months where it just wasn’t worth moving the knee or putting it immediate discomfort.”

In addition to using PEMF, Baldinger did regular rehab and even had a stem cell treatment in order to resume his normal activities, which include getting through airports and going up and down stadium steps.

It really feels like a miracle, to be honest with you,” Baldinger said. “How much is Pulsed Energy, how much is the operation and how much is getting other therapy? It’s hard to say one vs. the other, but I really believe wholeheartedly — and I told this to Josh — that I wouldn’t be where I am today without (Pulsed Energy). And I would recommend that anybody who is in the type of pain — for whatever reason — that I was in, you’ve got nothing lose but to try it and put belief in it.

“I can’t remember when I felt this good. I never felt this good in my 40s.  There’s nothing I can’t do right now.”

“It really feels like a miracle, to be honest with you.”

If it wasn’t for the emergency surgery, Baldinger was facing drastic options to relieve what he thought was normal pain from his football injuries.

“I was resigned to having knee-replacement surgery to get out of the pain,” Baldinger said. “I didn’t want to do it because I was only 55 at the time, I didn’t want to do it because I was just too young, although if you’re in pain, you’re in pain and you can’t live on pain medication.

“The best thing is I’m an athlete at the core and I can do athletic things. I’m not up to playing basketball anymore, but I can shoot around with my niece and nephews and all that stuff if I want to, but I can train to feel really, really good. I’m in excellent shape right now. I’m not prohibited from doing anything. I don’t need to run but I can if I want to. But it feels real good to know that whatever my trainer wants to do that day, I can do.”

Baldinger feels he “maximized” his NFL career, even with all of the injuries, and now he is trying to get the most out of his life after playing football. That opportunity comes because because he took a chance with PEMF.

“I never met Josh — I read the information — I think some people won’t try something until they fundamentally understand everything about it,” Baldinger said. “I didn’t really have the time to do that. I was fortunate Josh sent a machine to my house and I had it for six months before I sent it back.

“I don’t pretend to tell some potential user of it how it works, I don’t have the answer to that. I would just tell people, ‘Look, you don’t have to fully understand all the science to make you healthy. If you get results, you get results. The results will speak to any sort of science so that you may help understand what’s behind it.’ I had blind trust in it, nothing to lose, I wouldn’t let time or not knowing stop you or prevent you from using it or trying it.”

“Look, you don’t have to fully understand all the science to make you healthy.”
“The results will speak to any sort of science so that you may help understand what’s behind it.”


Article provided by www.pulsedenergytech.com

Written by Steve Drumwright

The Cure For Migraines

shutterstock_153499889I have been blessed with good health overall but have (like many of us)  experienced accidents and pain which could have been life-altering without the use of chiropractic care.  Did you know that chiropractic treatment can help treat and heal migraines?  It can, and it does!  I suffer with chronic migraines, and have battled them since age 10.  Those who have experienced true migraine headache can testify that there is very little more debilitating.

I had tried EVERYTHING as treatment – prescription medication, mediation, physical therapy…even hypnosis!  I had accepted my fate to always have headaches, until I found chiropractic. If I am diligent about my personal chiropractic maintenance care, I stay migraine free.  Pretty simple solution don’t you think?

When it comes to beating migraines, chiropractic care is safe, natural, inexpensive, therapeutic and successful.  

Over the course of my career, I have had the opportunity to treat hundreds of people just like me.  People that have exhausted all other treatment options, and are simply looking for an answer.  A solution to their pain, a remedy to improve their overall health and a way to avoid the sometimes harsh side effects of prescription medicine and invasive surgeries.  I can tell you from first-hand experience that our bodies are amazing organisms and outstanding machines.  When given the proper opportunity, the human body can overcome injury and heal in miraculous ways.

If you or someone you know is struggling with migraine headaches, please contact Standridge Clinic today.  There IS an answer, and we CAN help restore your quality of life.

– Dr. Reeder


The Secret To Their Success

With March Madness set to tip off in just a few days, could Gonzaga have an edge over their competition? Zags coach Mark Few credits the teams’ chiropractor for helping key players get healthy for important games.

 “We had some great efforts out of our docs. Kelli Pearson, our team chiropractor, flew down and treated him Sunday and that made a huge difference in his recovery.”

wiltjerpic10_t210LAS VEGAS – Kyle Wiltjer’s OK. Byron Wesley was better than OK and so were the rest of the Zags.

Top-seeded Gonzaga, looking more like the dominant team from earlier this season, throttled No. 4 Pepperdine 79-61 on Monday at the Orleans Arena to advance to the WCC men’s basketball tournament championship game for the 18th consecutive season.

Wesley scored a season-high 25 points. Wiltjer returned from a hip injury to deliver 17 points and nine rebounds and the seventh-ranked Zags (31-2) unleashed their running game to pull away from the Waves (18-13). Gonzaga will face second-seeded BYU for the title tonight at 6.

“In the locker room I was saying that was one of the funnest halves I’ve played here, and a bunch of the guys agreed,” said junior Kyle Dranginis, strong off the bench for the second straight game with four points and seven rebounds. “When you’re giving it your all and all of your teammates are doing the same it’s fun out there.”

Added Wesley: “That was easily the most fun we’ve had in a game this year, just the energy we had. The crowd was great. From the players on the court to the players on the bench, everyone was really engaged. It’s good we’re starting to find ourselves again.”

Wiltjer didn’t return to Saturday’s game after an awkward fall. He started slowly against the Waves with just three first-half points but he buried two 3-pointers, scored twice in the lane and dunked home Kevin Pangos’ miss in transition during Gonzaga’s second-half spurt.

“He’s coming along; he’s toughening up,” GU coach Mark Few said.  “We had some great efforts out of our docs. Kelli Pearson, our team chiropractor, flew down and treated him Sunday and that made a huge difference in his recovery.”

The Zags had one of their best defensive stretches for the first 10 minutes of the second half, getting stops, forcing turnovers and triggering their transition game. Wesley converted two of his four steals into a dunk and three-point play.

“It was great to watch our guys, especially in the second half, play defense that way, generating turnovers, deflections, getting the ball off the glass and running,” Few said.

The Zags outscored the Waves 10-0 in fastbreak points.

For a lengthy stretch, Gonzaga’s versatile offense was on display with Przemek Karnowski working on the low block, Wesley slashing into the lane, Wiltjer scoring from the rim out to the 3-point line and Pangos and Gary Bell Jr. combining to hit three 3-pointers.

Pangos had six of Gonzaga’s 17 assists. Karnowski scored nine of his 13 points in the opening 20 minutes.

“They are very balanced,” Pepperdine forward Stacy Davis said.

The Zags have strung together strong second halves in four of their last five games, outscoring Saint Mary’s 41-20, San Diego 37-22, San Francisco 54-43 and Pepperdine 44-28.

“We played hard in the first half but we didn’t get as many stops as we wanted,” Dranginis said. “We tried to set the tone more in the second half, keep the energy up and do some of the little things better. We were able to get stops and that led to easy buckets.”

Gonzaga rotated defenders at Davis, including Karnowski and Wesley, the latter opening on the talented 6-foot-6 forward. Davis managed a hard-earned 15 points on 5-of-15 shooting. He had three turnovers.

The Waves didn’t have too many secondary options. Jeremy Major scored 12 points, but the Waves made just 39 percent of their shots in the second half.

Gonzaga made 52.5 percent of its shots from the field, 47 percent beyond the arc but just 47 percent at the free-throw line.

Original Source: The Spokesman-Review 


Meet Dr. Amerest Reeder

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 11.04.29 AMHello! My name is Amerest Reeder. For those who may already know me, you know I typically discourage the use of the title “Doctor” and encourage smiles and hugs!  In addition to being a chiropractor at Standridge Clinic, I’m a wife, a mom to two wonderful children, and I am currently 7 months pregnant with our third baby 🙂  I wasn’t always a chiropractic patient…in fact, I was raised by a surgeon, and as such, western medicine was abundant in my home.

I had my first chiropractic adjustment at age 19 while attending undergraduate school.  I was majoring in physiological science and planning to attend medical school.  I had a devastating accident to my ankle during a soccer game, which required immobilization for months and resulted in very limited ankle movement. The doctors wanted to operate, but were unable to assure me that I could return to running and playing soccer.  I was 19 (and pretty stubborn) and that answer was not acceptable a to me…this chain of events led to my first chiropractic visit.

My chiropractor adjusted my ankle, among other therapies, and although the experience was somewhat painful, it was successful!  I went back to playing soccer and running and to this day have no side effects from that injury…AND I never had surgery!  Intrigued by this “new to me” non-invasive medical field, I started investigating and shadowing other chiropractic physicians and found that the philosophy of natural, innate, safe healing techniques resonated with me. I applied to chiropractic school at the age of 20, and graduated with my doctorate in chiropractic at age 24.  I was even able to play semi-pro soccer while I was in school….I’m positive my dream wouldn’t have come true without chiropractic care!

I am excited to have joined the wonderful team at Standridge Clinic in Owasso and look forward to seeing more kids and pregnant woman as patients!  If your children are not currently being adjusted, please come see me!

Yours in health,

Amerest Reeder, DC

Dr. Amerest Reeder is a chiropractic physician at Standridge Clinic and certified in acupuncture. Her passion and love is for pediatric and maternity chiropractic care. Over the next few months, she’ll be sharing her unique perspective on being a working (and pregnant) mom, along with her first-hand experience with chiropractic care.


Patient Success Story

photo 2

These are the x-rays of a 12 year-old patient who was diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the left hip 2 years ago, and then was left to his and his parents efforts to manage this problem. (This is the same problem that ended Bo Jackson’s career).

The family was not offered any medical assistance, only the thought of waiting until he’s skeletally matured enough to replace the hip.  While that may be what ultimately has to happen, the other secondary skeletal issues, namely the pelvis being dramatically out of alignment and the developing curvature, was not even considered.  On her own, the mother brought him to Standridge Clinic not realizing that there might be secondary compensations.

The photo on the right is of the boy’s skeletal structure when he first started coming to Standridge Chiropractic. (Needless to say, his mom was disappointed when she saw the first picture). The photo on the left shows his skeletal structure after just two MONTHS of corrective appointments without any major surgery!

We’ve aggressively addressed his pelvic, spinal and muscular imbalances and the result is what you see on your left. I was pleasantly stunned at the degree of improvement. – Dr. S.

Chronic Headaches


People often visit a chiropractor to seek relief from their headaches, usually only after exhausting the route of pharmaceuticals drugs and becoming concerned with the negative side effects of their long-term use. Often the cause of headaches is spinal ‘misalignments’ with muscle spasms in the neck. Chiropractic care remedies headaches by removing the tension, which causes interference of the nerve roots which is the principal reason for the pain. After chiropractic care the headaches are much improved, allowing the patient to discontinue the use of the medicines.

There has been much research about chiropractic cervical (neck) adjustments and the reduction of many types of headaches. The increasing body of evidence strongly supports that headaches can be safely diminished without the dangerous side effects of NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) and other pain-relieving medications that are too often prescribed by chiropractic care.

Basically there are two types of headaches that are most common: tension and migraine. Tension headaches (cervicogenic headaches) are the most common resulting from contraction of head and neck muscles. They can occur in isolated incidents but all too often become chronic. Some possible causes of muscle contraction associated with tension headaches include stress and fatigue. Although migraine headaches are not as common as tension headaches, they can be debilitating to those who suffer from them. This type of headache occurs when blood vessels of the head and neck constrict, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the vessels and the consequential throbbing pain, most often on one side of the head with an associated feeling of sickness and sensitivity to light and sound. The cause of migraines is more a mystery than tension headaches but, nonetheless, modern thinking considers it a result of prolonged muscle tension and stress, triggered by allergic reactions, and / or hormones.

One of the principal tools used by a chiropractor to establish the vertebral level that requires the cervical adjustment is done by manual palpation. The doctor manipulates the neck to determine the ROM (range of motion), pain, muscle tenderness and inflammation, and often the reproduction of the headache itself. The question here would be the effectiveness of the palpation. The study by Dr. Hanten et al. considers palpation as a reliable tool in identifying a tension / cervicogenic headache in symptomatic patients. Upon the diagnosis of the subluxated vertebra(s), there is an indication of the chiropractic adjustment. This can be executed by many technique. The most used technique, as well as most popular, is the diversified approach. The adjustment is done by a high-speed, low-amplitude thrust (HSLAT) to the segment identified as subluxated. The study by Dr. Nilsson et al. (1997) was to determine whether such an adjustment had any effect on cervicogenic (tension) headaches. The conclusion indicates that the adjustment done as HSLAT had significant reduction in the intensity of pain as well as a reduction of the duration of the headache. The study substantiates another study done earlier by Dr. Nilsson (1995), when he wanted to establish whether HSLAT adjustments are an effective treatment on cervicogenic headaches. He determined that the adjustments had possible positive effects but the methodology was skewed resulting in the later 1997 study.

One idea that intrigues is the decrease of the subjective pain associated with headaches as it relates between chiropractic care and medical pain relievers. One such study was done by Dr. Boline et al. They wanted to compare the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments with amitriptyline — pharmaceutical treatment prescribed for chronic pain syndromes. They found Amitriptyline slightly more effective in reducing the pain but was associated with adverse side effects at the end of the treatment, which lasted for a six-week period. Some common side effects can range from: dizziness; drowsiness, dryness of mouth, headache, and increased appetite (may include craving for sweets), nausea, tiredness or weakness, unpleasant taste, and weight gain. Those who received the spinal manipulative therapy experienced sustained therapeutic benefit without the negative side effects.

What remains a question is: How many visits to the chiropractor does it take for headaches to go away? Dr. Haas et al. asked the same question and found there was relief from headache pain in nine to twelve visits, although more than twelve visits may be required for maximum relief.

Chiropractic care has come a long way since its entrance in 1895 by the founder D. D. Palmer. What chiropractic has lacked is the research to prove the efficacy of the chiropractic system and the benefits of its use. As time has passed, more and more research has been done to validate the effectiveness of chiropractic care and although the iceberg has barely been scraped, progress is starting to be made. The research done chiropractic care and its effect on headaches has proved positive and certainly warrants more research including long-term studies.

Research collected by Cedar Wood Chiropractic.

Get Vertical!



Joint health is important to living a good life and that includes healthy aging. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) encourages everyone to lead a healthy life by promoting joint health through physical activity. ACA wants people to get off their couches and office chairs, stand up and move! In other words…Get Vertical!

ACA is emphasizing joint health because joints are critical to all movement and allow us to carry out normal activities of daily living. Some 150 million to 200 million cases of back pain send people to the doctor every year—and many of those are related to joint injuries. The bones that make up the joint allow movement, but it is the muscles that pull the bones that produce the movement.

The movements that you perform on a daily basis are critical to long-term joint health, as are proper nutrition, a healthy exercise regimen, and a healthy lifestyle. Moving a joint through its full range of motion serves several important purposes. Joints are not supplied directly with blood as are other organs within the body, but instead are nourished with synovial fluid that is forced into the joint cartilage through pressure resulting from body movement. So the saying, “Use it or lose it” applies to joint function.

Article written by Carol Cline, editor of chirohealthy.com

Facts About Whiplash


Whiplash injuries not only increase the incidence of chronic neck and shoulder pain, it also significantly increases the incidence of other systemic ill health effects. In other words, whiplash injuries cause more than neck pain and headache, it hurts the health of the entire body. (Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2001)

  • It is estimated that 15-40% of those who are injured in a motor vehicle collision will suffer from ongoing chronic pain. (Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 2007)
  • Whiplash injuries not only increase the incidence of chronic neck and shoulder pain, it also significantly increases the incidence of other systemic ill health effects. In other words, whiplash injuries cause more than neck pain and headache, it hurts the health of the entire body. (Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2001)
  • That essentially 100% of those who are suffering from chronic pain caused by a whiplash injury will have an abnormal psychological profile with standard assessments, and the only way to resolve the abnormal psychological profile was to successfully treat the chronic spinal pain. Psychotherapy was not able to improve the abnormal psychological profile, nor was it able to improve the patient’s chronic pain complaint. (Pain, 1997)
  • In the longest study ever performed on whiplash-injured patients (a study looking at the health status 17 years after injury), 55% of the patients still suffered from pain caused by the original trauma. (Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2002)
  • 90% of those who are initially given a cervical collar for their whiplash injuries will be suffering from chronic neck pain 6 months later.(Spine, 2000)
  • 2% of whiplash-injured patients will have severe pain and problems that require ongoing medical investigations and drugs 7.5 years after being injured. (Injury, 2005)
  • 1 in every 100 (1%) people on our planet suffer from chronic neck pain caused by whiplash injury. (Pain, 1994)

The Bottom Line:

To understand whiplash injury and treatment, it is most important to know the answers to these three questions:

  • What tissues are injured in a motor vehicle collision?
  • What tissues are the primary sources for chronic spinal pain?
  • What tissues are primarily affected by the chiropractic adjustment?

Astonishingly, the answer to all three questions is the same:

The tissues in and around the spine, including but not limited to the facet joints and the tissues of the disc joints.

Consequently, it is inevitable that some whiplash-injured patients will develop chronic pain and that chiropractic is often the best management choice for these patients.

(The Chiropractic Impact Report 2014)


Folding The Flag



Do you know that at military funerals, the 21 gun salute stands for the sum of the numbers in the year 1776? Have you ever noticed that Honor Guard pays meticulous attention to correctly folding the American flag 13 times? You probably thought it was to symbolize the original 13 colonies BUT we learn something new every day!

The 1st fold of our flag is a symbol of life.

The 2nd fold is a symbol of our belief in “Eternal Life.”

The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of our country and to attain peace throughout the world.

The 4th fold represents our weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for His divine guidance. 

The 5th fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephan Decaur, “Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.”

The 6th fold is for where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we “Pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States Of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all…”

The 7th fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our republic. 

The 8th fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day.

The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood, and mothers, for it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty, and devotion that the character of men and women have made this country great as it has been molded. 

The 10th fold is a tribute to the father, for he too has been given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born. 

The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrew’s eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians’ eyes, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, reminds us of our nation’s motto, “In God We Trust.” After the flag is completely folded and tucked, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington as well as the Sailers and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for us the rights, privileges, and freedoms that we enjoy today. There are some traditions and ways of doing things that have deep meaning. In the future, you’ll see flags folded. Now you will know why.


 Published in the April 2005 edition of the 42nd Rainbow Division Reveille Booklet