These are the x-rays of a 12 year-old patient who was diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the left hip 2 years ago, and then was left to his and his parents efforts to manage this problem. (This is the same problem that ended Bo Jackson’s career).
The family was not offered any medical assistance, only the thought of waiting until he’s skeletally matured enough to replace the hip. While that may be what ultimately has to happen, the other secondary skeletal issues, namely the pelvis being dramatically out of alignment and the developing curvature, was not even considered. On her own, the mother brought him to Standridge Clinic not realizing that there might be secondary compensations.
The photo on the right is of the boy’s skeletal structure when he first started coming to Standridge Chiropractic. (Needless to say, his mom was disappointed when she saw the first picture). The photo on the left shows his skeletal structure after just two MONTHS of corrective appointments without any major surgery!
We’ve aggressively addressed his pelvic, spinal and muscular imbalances and the result is what you see on your left. I was pleasantly stunned at the degree of improvement. – Dr. S.